茨城県: スポーティーな子猫 – 日本の猫の目 | 教えて日本のことーTell me about Japan

茨城県: スポーティーな子猫 – 日本の猫の目


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The active cats of Ibaraki are at home on the driving range, playing in the rafters of a flower shop, or out in the fields watching paragliders soar through the skies.


Ibaraki: Sporty Kitties – A Cat’s-Eye View of Japan



Ibaraki Prefecture is a prefecture in the Kanto region of Japan, and its prefectural capital is Mito City. It borders Fukushima Prefecture to the north, Chiba Prefecture to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and Tochigi Prefecture to the west. Ibaraki Prefecture has a beautiful landscape of rice paddies, one of the three major festivals in Japan, the Mito Komon Festival, Tsukuba City, which is characterized by advanced agricultural technology, and the world-famous Hitachiota City, Mito Natto. etc. are famous. Tsukuba is also known for hosting the “Science Expo,” which aims to develop science and technology.

キャッツアイのシリーズは下記(The cat’s eye series is below)