Let’s introduce Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture, Iya in Tokushima Prefecture, and Shiiba Village in Miyazaki Prefecture, which are called Japan’s three most unexplored regions.
1)白川郷(岐阜県)ーShirakawago (Gifu Prefecture)

日本三大秘境の一つである白川郷(しらかわごう)は、岐阜県と富山県の境界に位置する集落です。この地域には、数百年前から続く伝統的な合掌造り屋があり、その景観が美しいことから、国内外から多くの観光客が訪れます。(Shirakawa-go, one of Japan’s three great unexplored regions, is a village located on the border of Gifu and Toyama prefectures. In this area, there are traditional gassho-zukuri houses that have existed for hundreds of years, and the beautiful scenery attracts many tourists from Japan and abroad.)
白川郷は、日本の伝統的な農山村落の美しさや、衰退から伝わる文化や生活様式が残っていることが評価され、1995年には、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されました。三大秘境の一つとしても有名であり、美しい自然や歴史的な建造物などが多く残っています。 (Shirakawa-go was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995 for its beauty as a traditional Japanese farming and mountain village, as well as for the culture and lifestyle that have survived its decline. It is also famous as one of the three great unexplored places, and there are many beautiful nature and historical buildings remaining.)

Gassho-zukuri houses are characterized by their thatched crotch-shaped roofs, and those built in the later period have particularly steep roofs. It is thought that this slope was designed to reduce snow removal work due to heavy snowfall and to facilitate water drainage due to the area being a heavy rainfall area.

2)祖谷(徳島県)ーIya (Tokushima Prefecture)
祖谷(いや)は、徳島県三好市にある、自然に囲まれた集落です。祖谷渓と呼ばれる深い渓谷に囲まれ、川沿いには数百年前から続く木造の家屋が並びます。 、山深い地形から長らく孤立し、かつてから神仏信仰が根付いており、多くの神社や仏閣が残っています。 (Iya is a village surrounded by nature in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture. Surrounded by a deep valley called Iyakei, the riverside is lined with wooden houses that have been around for hundreds of years. It has long been isolated from its deep mountainous topography, and has long been a place of worship for Shintoism and Buddhism, and many shrines and temples remain.)
祖谷は、世界でも有数の深さを誇る「祖谷深淵」や、「大歩危小歩危」などの美しい景勝地があり、豊かな自然が多く残されていることが特徴です。忍者が活躍した地域としても知られており、夕暮れからの歴史や伝統文化が息づいています。 (Iya has beautiful scenic spots such as “Iya Abyss”, which boasts one of the deepest depths in the world, and “Oboke Koboke”, and is characterized by the abundance of nature remaining. It is also known as an area where ninjas were active, and the history and traditional culture are still alive from dusk)
上流域は交通が不便で、かつては日本三秘境の1つに数えられた。The upstream area is inconvenient for transportation, and was once counted as one of Japan’s three unexplored regions.


Kazurabashi is a suspension bridge made from the vines of the Sarunashi (Sarunashi) vine and inherited from the old method. It is 45m long, 2m wide, and 14m high from the valley, and is one of Japan’s three strange bridges. It is a cultural property. In 1928 (Showa 3), Kazura Bridge was revived for the purpose of regional development.
椎葉村(宮崎県)ーShiiba Village (Miyazaki Prefecture)

Shiiba Village is located in the northwestern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, at the headwaters of the Mimi River, and borders Kumamoto Prefecture to the west. Most of the village area is in the mountains of Kyushu, and villages are scattered in the valley of the Mimi River.

Kamishiiba Dam, Japan’s first large-scale arch dam, is located upstream of the Mimi River in the Kamishiiba district in the center of the village.
日本の三大秘境の動画-Videos of Japan’s three most unexplored regions
椎葉村~Shiiba Village

“Japan’s three great unexplored regions” I want to go too!