「おみくじ」とは?~What is Omikuji?


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Omikuji is a paper slip with the result of fortune-telling written on it. Many Japanese shrines and temples offer this omikuji to tell your fortune and give you advice on how to improve your life in the future. It doesn’t just tell you whether you will have good or bad luck in the future, but it also describes your various fortunes in detail, such as your luck in money, health, romantic relationships and so on. Omikuji vary in price depending on the shrine or temple, but the average price is between 100 and 200 yen for one omikuji. Omikuji is also called “messages from god” because they tell you how to spend your time in the future with a piece of paper, and you can get it at sacred places like shrines and temples. 

おみくじの概要はフォーチュンクッキーに似ています。The idea of Omikuji is similar to fortune cookies.

おみくじの引き方&マナー~How to draw omikuji and manners


まずは神社・お寺で参拝して神(神々)に敬意をはらう事を忘れないでください。First of all, please don’t forget to pray at the shrine/temple to pay respect to the deity.

おみくじをみつけて支払う~Find an omikuji and pay


Omikujiis usually near an area where they’re selling different kinds of lucky charms.It typically looks like a lottery box. You need to insert coins in the slot first, then pick a slip from the box. 

おみくじを引く~draw an omikuji

おみくじは普通折ってあるため、引く前に覗き見ができないようになっています。The omikuji slip is usually folded up so that you can’t sneak a peek before picking one.

もしくは、番号のみが載っていることもあります。その場合は巫女さんに持って言ってください。その紙と交換に、運の書いてある紙を渡してくれます。Or sometimes there’s only a number written on the paper. In this case, you need to take it to the shrine maiden (miko-san). In exchange, she will hand you the paper with the fortune written on it.


おみくじの運勢の意味~How to read your omikuji result & meaning


On the Omikuji result sheet, you will see a word such as 大吉 (daikichi) and 小吉(shōkichi) etc which indicate your overall luck. If you read more deeply, you will find detailed information about your luck in various areas such as love, health, and money. It’s usually written in Japanese but some popular shrines and temples that attract a lot of international tourists offer omikuji papers that explain your luck in English as well as Japanese.

総合運のカテゴリ~A category of overall luck
  • 大吉 dai-kichi : excellent luck
  • 中吉chu-kichi : good luck
  • 小吉sho-kichi : small luck
  • 吉 kichi : fair luck
  • 末吉sue-kichi : future luck
  • 凶 kyo : bad luck
  • 大凶dai-kyo : great misfortune

 おみくじを引いたあとは?What to do after drawing omikuji


After drawing omikuji, you may see a lot of pieces of omikuji paper are often tied to a branch of a tree growing in the shrine or temple instead of being thrown away or taken home.
This is done in order to “tie your wish to the life force of the tree”, that means that you ask the life force of the tree in the shrine or temple to help you make your wish come true. Some shrines and Buddhist temples have offered a fence to tie your omikuji instead of a tree so as not to damage it. In this case, you should tie your omikuji on the fence. It is common to tie omikuji when drawing an omikuji with bad luck, and people tend to put it in their wallets when it is good luck. Of course, you can take your omikuji home if you like which is totally fine! 


おみくじの動画(English edition)

