
It is a period division in which wars occurred frequently from the end of the 15th century to the end of the 16th century. The authority of the Muromachi Shogunate declined due to the instability of the world, and the Sengoku daimyo emerged all over the country in place of the guardian daimyo. While strengthening the tendency to control the land and people in the territory, he began to fight with other daimyo to expand the territory. Such a famous warlord of a daimyo is called a Sengoku warrior.
人気の戦国武将は(Popular Sengoku warlord)-인기 전국 무장
- 織田信長(Oda Nobunaga)-오다 노부나가
- 明智光秀(Akechi Mitsuhide)-아케치 미쓰히데
- 徳川家康(Tokugawa Ieyasu)-도쿠가와 이에야스
- 真田幸村(Sanada Yukimura)-사나다 유키무라
- 豊臣秀吉(Toyotomi Hideyoshi)-도요토미 히데요시
- 武田信玄(Takeda Shingen)-다케다 신겐
- 上杉謙信(Uesugi kensin) -우에스기 겐신
- 伊達政宗(Date Masamune)-다테 마사무네
- 黒田官兵衛(Kuroda Kanbei)-구로다 官兵衛
- 今川義元(Imagawa Yoshimoto)-이마가와 요시모토

I will introduce the famous Sengoku warlords from now on!