日本の祭りは、その美しい伝統と情熱的な雰囲気で、外国人にとっても大きな魅力を持っています。 その中でも特に注目されるのが「だんじり祭り」です。満点の魅力とその歴史、祭りを楽しむためのポイントをご紹介します。 Japanese festivals have a great appeal to foreigners because of their beautiful traditions and passionate atmosphere. The Danjiri Matsuri is one of the most notable of these festivals. Here we introduce the full attraction, its history, and points for enjoying the festival.
だんじり祭りの特徴ーDanjiri Festival Features

だんじり祭りは、主に愛知県の岡崎市や一宮市で行われる、伝統的なお祭りです。祭りのハイライトは、大きな台車「だんじり」を練り歩く姿です。木製の装飾が施され、車輪の下には数百人の人々が力を合わせて引っ張ります。その迫力ある姿と、熱気ある声がお祭りの象徴となっています。 Matsuri is a traditional festival held mainly in Okazaki and Ichinomiya cities in Aichi Prefecture. The highlight of the festival is the parade of Danjiri, a large cart. It is decorated with wooden ornaments and pulled by hundreds of people working together under the wheels. Its powerful appearance and enthusiastic voice have become the symbol of the festival.
- だんじりとは、屋根付きの山車のことで、神輿を載せて神社を巡る祭りが多い日本では珍しい、曳き回す祭りです。 Danjiri is a covered float that is pulled around a shrine, which is rare in Japan, where most festivals feature a portable shrine.
- だんじりは、重さ数トンにもなる巨大なもので、それを数百人〜1,000人もの男衆が綱で曳いていきます。 The danjiri is huge, weighing several tons, and is pulled by hundreds to 1,000 men on ropes.
- 特に、角を曲がるときに、綱を張って引き合う「やりまわし」は、迫力満点で、外国人観光客にも人気があります。 The “yarimawashi,” or pulling each other with a rope as they turn a corner, is particularly powerful and popular among foreign tourists.
歴史と文化ーHistory & Culture

だんじり祭りの歴史は古く、地域の信仰や豊作祈願といった要素が緊張しています。祭りの準備や実施は地域全体で協力して行われ、祭りが少し緊張感と興奮が高まりますだんじりの建造や踊りの練習は、地域の人々にとって大切な文化活動となっています。Danjiri festivals have a long history and are strained by elements such as local beliefs and prayers for a good harvest. Preparation and implementation of the festival is done in cooperation with the entire community, making the festival a little more tense and exciting. Building danjiri and practicing dances are important cultural activities for the local people.
迫力満点の踊りと祭りの雰囲気: だんじり祭りでは、だんじりを引っ張るだけでなく、踊りも重要な要素です。また、だんじりの移動神社周辺の行事は、地元の人々や観光客との交流の場でもあり、賑やかな雰囲気が広がります。 Powerful Dancing and Festival Atmosphere: In addition to pulling the danjiri, dancing is an integral part of the Danjiri Matsuri. The events around the Danjiri moving shrine also provide an opportunity for interaction between locals and tourists, creating a lively atmosphere.
祭りを楽しむ方法ーHow to Enjoy the Festival

To enjoy the Danjiri Festival, it is important to check the festival schedule in advance and choose a place to watch the festival. It is also a good idea to get a spot early to enjoy the food and souvenirs from the local stalls, and to join in the excitement with the dancers.
だんじり祭りのおすすめスポットをご紹介します。Here are some of the best places to visit for the Danjiri Festival
- 岸和田だんじり祭り(大阪府岸和田市):日本最大級の規模を誇るだんじり祭り。毎年9月に開催される。Kishiwada Danjiri Festival (Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture): One of the largest Danjiri festivals in Japan. It is held every Septemb 岸和田だんじり祭home page
- 高槻だんじり祭り(大阪府高槻市):岸和田だんじり祭りとともに、日本三大だんじり祭りの一つに数えられる。毎年10月に開催される。Takatsuki Danjiri Matsuri (Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture): Along with the Kishiwada Danjiri Matsuri, this festival is one of the three major Danjiri festivals in Japan. The festival is held every year in October.
- 大津だんじり祭り(大阪府泉大津市):だんじりが27基も登場する、華やかなだんじり祭り。毎年10月に開催される。 Otsu Danjiri Festival (Izumiotsu City, Osaka Prefecture): A spectacular Danjiri festival featuring 27 Danjiri. The festival is held every year in October.
If you ever have the chance to visit Japan, why not take part in a Danjiri Festival? It will surely be an unforgettable experience.