In Japan, New Year’s Dayis the most important holiday. Many shops and companies close for the first few days of Januaryand people use this time to spend with their families. Many people go back to their hometown to spend the New Year’s holiday with their family or local friends.
「干支」Japanese zodiac

”The Japanese zodiacconsists of 12 different animals. It originated from the Chinese astrological system divided into 12 blocks based on the Jupiter cycle to count the years.”
2023年は卯年です~2023 is the Year of the Rabbit
1-子(ネズミ) | Rat |
2-丑(ウシ) | Ox |
3-寅(トラ) | Tiger |
4-卯(ウサギ) | Rabbit |
5-辰(リュウ) | Dragon |
6-巳(ヘビ) | Snake |
7-午(ウマ) | Horse |
8-未(ヒツジ) | Sheep |
9-申(サル) | Monkey |
10-酉(トリ) | Rooster |
11-戌(イヌ) | Dog |
12-亥(イノシシ) | Horse |

“Kadomatsu and shimekazari are traditional Japanese ornaments for New Year’s Day. They are placed in pairs in front of houses, shops, hotels, and others to welcome Toshigami-sama, a deity of harvest and ancestral spirits. Also, it’s believed to ward off evil spirits. “

Osechi is a special cuisine that you can enjoy only during the New Year’s holiday in Japan. It consists of traditional Japanese dishes like shrimps and datemaki. They are all packed in a jubako, a traditional lacquer box that looks like a lunch box. Japanese people enjoy sharing it with their families or relativesand each dish is generally served in a small portion so that you can enjoy all of the different ones. This is important as each part has a different meaning.
おせちの具材と意味-Osechi Ingredients and Meaning
- Ebi / Shrimp: wish for longevity (海老:長寿)
- Datemaki/ Rolled sweet omelet: wish to improve knowledge (伊達巻:学力向上)
- Kazunoko/ Herring roe: pray for the prosperity of descendants (数の子:子孫繁栄)
- Kuromame/ Sweet black beans: encourage work and academic achievement (黒豆:まめに働く)
- Kuri-kinton/ Sweet mashed potato with chestnuts: money, luck (栗きんとん:金運)