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日本は美しい伝統文化と祭りの国として知られており、外国人観光客にとっても魅力的な祭りの宝庫です。ここでは、外国人に人気のある日本の祭りをご紹介します。これらの祭りに参加することで、日本の文化や伝統を存分に楽しむことができます。 Japan is known for its beautiful traditional culture and festivals, making it a treasure trove of attractive festivals for foreign visitors. Here we introduce some of the most popular Japanese festivals among foreigners. By attending these festivals, you can fully enjoy Japanese culture and traditions.


人気の日本の祭り5選~5 Popular Japanese Festivals


  • さっぽろ雪まつり(札幌市)
  • 祇園祭(京都市)
  • 青森ねぶた祭り(青森市)
  • 阿波おどり(徳島市)
  • 岸和田だんじり祭り(岸和田市)

これらの祭りは、どれも日本独特の文化や伝統を垣間見ることができるため、外国人観光客から高い評価を得ています。また、日本の夏の風物詩としても知られています。               All of these festivals are highly regarded by foreign tourists because they offer a glimpse into unique Japanese culture and traditions. They are also well known as a summer tradition in Japan!

〇さっぽろ雪まつりーSapporo Snow Festival


The Sapporo Snow Festival is a snow festival held every February in Sapporo, Hokkaido. It is held in Odori Park in the center of Sapporo for about a month. The main attraction of the Sapporo Snow Festival is the snow sculptures. About 200 snow statues are created each year, and their size and elaborateness are among the best in the world. The Sapporo Snow Festival is a winter tradition in Hokkaido that attracts about 2 million tourists every year!

〇祇園祭ーGion Festival


The Gion Festival is a festival held annually in Kyoto in July. The festival is grandly held for about two weeks on the Shijo riverbank in the center of Kyoto and around Yasaka Shrine, the main venue for the Gion Festival. The main highlight of the Gion Festival is the Yamaboko Junko (float procession). Yamaboko Junko is an event in which floats, each about 10 meters high and weighing about 10 tons, parade around Yasaka Shrine, the main venue of the Gion Festival. The Yamaboko Junko is the main attraction of the Gion Festival, attracting about 200,000 tourists every year.

〇青森ねぶた祭りーAomori Nebuta Festival


The Aomori Nebuta Festival is held every August in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture. For about two weeks, Nebuta floats parade through the Nebuta Plaza in the center of Aomori City and other locations in Aomori City. The Nebuta are the main attraction of the festival. Nebuta are large lanterns that stand approximately 10 meters tall and weigh 20 tons. About 200 Nebuta are made each year, and their power is breathtaking. The Aomori Nebuta Festival is a summer tradition in Aomori Prefecture that attracts about 3 million tourists every year.


〇阿波おどりーAwa Odori


Awa Odori (Awa Dance) is a Bon dance held every August in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture. Dancers parade through Akita-machi and Shinmachi in the center of Tokushima City, dancing for about two weeks. The main attraction of the Awa Odori is the dancers. The dancers dance powerfully and dynamically to the accompaniment of shamisen and taiko drums. The Awa Odori is a summer tradition in Tokushima Prefecture that attracts about one million tourists every year.


〇岸和田だんじり祭りーKishiwada Danjiri Festival


The Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is a danjiri festival held every July in Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture. For about two weeks, Danjiri (floats) are paraded around Kishiwada Castle in the center of Kishiwada City. The main attraction of the Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is the Danjiri. The Danjiri is a large float that stands approximately 4 meters tall and weighs 4 tons. The Danjiri is pulled around by the Kishiwada City Youth League, and its power is breathtaking. The Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is a summer tradition in Osaka that attracts about 1 million tourists every year!


これらの日本の祭りは、外国人にとっても魅力的な体験となることでしょう。美しい自然や伝統的な行事、地元の人々との交流など、日本の祭りは多彩な要素が詰まっています。ぜひこれらの祭りに参加し、日本の魅力あふれる伝統文化を存分に楽しんでみてください。These Japanese festivals can be fascinating experiences for foreigners. From the beauty of nature to traditional events and interaction with local people, Japanese festivals are packed with diverse elements. We encourage you to participate in these festivals and enjoy Japan’s fascinating traditional culture to the fullest.

参考動画ーReference video(Gion Festival)
