五月人形ーMay dollー오월 인형 | 教えて日本のことーTell me about Japan

五月人形ーMay dollー오월 인형


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This is a doll that is displayed on Children’s Day (Boy’s Day) on May 5th. In addition to celebrating the birth of a boy, we decorate it with the wish that he grows up safely and becomes a strong, tough, and wise adult.


五月人形と端午の節句(Dolls in May and Boys’ Festival)


 江戸時代に入り、貴族から武家に移るとともに、「菖蒲(しょうぶ)」の音が、武を重んじる「尚武(しょうぶ)」と同じであることから、「端午の節句」は、「尚武(しょうぶ)」の節句として、武家の間で盛んに祝われるようになりました。この節句は、家の後継ぎとして生れた男の子が、無事成長していくことを祈り、一族の繁栄を願う重要な行事となったのです。「3月3日のひなまつり」が、女の子のための節句として花開いていくのに呼応するように、「5月5日の端午の節句」は、男の子のための節句として定着していきました。In the Edo period, as the aristocracy shifted to the samurai class, the sound of shobu'' was the same asshobu,” which emphasized martial arts. It became popular among samurai families as a seasonal festival. This festival became an important event to pray for the healthy growth of the boy who was born as the heir to the family and for the prosperity of the family. Just as the Hinamatsuri on March 3rd blossomed as a festival for girls, the Tango no Sekku on May 5th became established as a festival for boys.


Decorations for Tango no Sekku can be broadly divided into ‘inner decorations’ that are displayed inside the house and ‘outer decorations’ that are displayed outdoors. Each has a different quality and meaning, so it is desirable to display both if possible.

「内飾り」ー”inner decoration”

内飾りには、現在、メインとなっている鎧または兜飾りがあります。The inner decoration is currently the main armor or helmet decoration.

鎧や兜を飾ることは武将にとっては自分の身を護る大切な道具であり、シンボルとしての精神的な意味がある大切な宝物でした。現在は鎧兜が“身体を守る”ものという意味が重視され、交通事故や病気から大切な子どもを守ってくれるようにという願いも込めて飾ります。Decorating armor and helmets was an important tool for military commanders to protect themselves, and they were important treasures with spiritual significance as symbols. Currently, the meaning of armor is emphasized as something that “protects the body”, and we decorate it with the hope that it will protect our precious children from traffic accidents and illness.

「外飾り」ー”outer decoration”

外飾りは、鯉のぼり、武者幟で、鯉のぼりは立身出世を祈るためのものです。The exterior decorations are carp streamers and samurai banners, and the carp streamers are for praying for success in life.

 鯉のぼりは、江戸時代に町人階層から生まれた節句飾りです。非常に生命力の強い魚で、その鯉が急流をさかのぼり、竜門という滝を登ると竜になって天に登るという中国の伝説にちなみ、子どもがどんな環境にも耐え、立派な人になるようにとの立身出世を願う飾りです。Carp streamers are festival decorations that originated from the merchant class in the Edo period. It is a fish with very strong vitality, and it is associated with a Chinese legend that when a carp swims up a rapid stream and climbs a waterfall called Ryumon, it becomes a dragon and ascends to heaven. It is a decoration that wishes for success in life.


菖蒲ーJapanese iris – May flower






March 3rd is the girls’ festival, and May 5th is the boy’s festival. I also did the hinamatsuri.