桜は日本人の心に愛らしくしてくれる花です。Cherry blossoms are flowers that make the Japanese heart love them.
桜と日本人(cherry blossoms and japanese)
Japan’s national flower is the cherry blossom. I think it was in the national character of the Japanese people, in the age of the samurai. It was considered a symbol of the samurai way of life and led to Bushido. In addition, the custom of enjoying cherry blossoms spread among the common people in the Edo period, and “hanami” began.
〇桜の名所は(cherry blossom spots)~全国の3大名所(3 famous places in Japan)
①青森県~弘前公園(ひろさきこうえん)ーAomori Prefecture – Hirosaki Park
桜の見頃~4月上旬~5月上旬(Best time to see cherry blossoms – Early April – Early May)

②長野県~高遠城址公園(たかとうじょうしこうえん)ーNagano Prefecture ~ Takato Castle Ruins Park (Takato Castle Ruins Park)
桜の見頃~4月上旬~中旬(Peak to early to mid-April)

③ 奈良県~吉野山(よしのやま)ーNara Prefecture – Yoshinoyama
桜の見頃~3月下旬~4月中旬(Peak to late March to mid-April)

〇その他の名所(Other sights)
東京都~目黒川(めぐろがわ)ーTokyo to Meguro River
桜の見頃~3月下旬~4月上旬(Best time to see – late March to early April)

東京都~千鳥ヶ淵(ちどりがふち)ーTokyo to Chidori-ga-fuchi
桜の見頃~3月下旬~4月上旬(Best time to see – late March to early April)

東京都~浅草の隅田川(すみだがわ)ーSumida River from Tokyo to Asakusa
桜の見頃~3月下旬~4月上旬(Best time to see – late March to early April)

静岡県~龍厳淵(りゅうがんぶち)ーShizuoka Prefecture – Ryuganbuchi
桜の見頃~3月下旬~4月上旬(Best time to see – late March to early April)

大阪府~大阪城(おおさかじょう)ーOsaka Prefecture – Osaka Castle
桜の見頃~3月下旬~4月上旬(Best time to see cherry blossoms – late March – early April)

桜の三大名所の動画(Videos of three major cherry blossom viewing spots)

いつ見ても桜は素敵ですね!ぜひ見に来てください。Cherry blossoms are always beautiful! Please come and see us.