It prospered as a castle town of the Kawagoe clan, and developed as a town of merchants, and was called Little Edo. “Kawagoe” from ancient times corresponds to the center of present-day Kawagoe City, and was also called “Oaza Kawagoe” in the old town name.


小江戸・川越の散策の案内図はこちら(Click here for a guide map for walking around Koedo and Kawagoe) ⇩
英語(English)の案内図(Guide map)はこちら 韓国語の案内図(안내도)こちら

城下町の面影を色濃く残し、『小江戸』と呼ばれる蔵造りの町並みが特徴。川越のシンボルともなっている『時の鐘』は、寛永4年から11年(1627年から1634年)の間に建てられたものが最初だが、現在の鐘楼は『川越大火』の翌年(1894年)に再建されたもの。3層構造の塔で高さ約16メートル。 現在1日に4回(午前6時・正午・午後3時・午後6時) 鐘の音を響かせています。

The Toki no Kane, which has become a symbol of Kawagoe, was first built between 1627 and 1634, but the current bell tower was built in 1894, the year after the Great Fire of Kawagoe. ) was rebuilt. The three-tiered tower is about 16 meters high. Currently, the bell rings four times a day (6:00 am, noon, 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm).

川越商工会議所はパルテノン神殿の様な重厚な雰囲気が印象的な建物。The Kawagoe Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an impressive building with a heavy atmosphere like the Parthenon.

Northwest of Toki no Kane, near 2-7 Motomachi. This area was lined with confectionery shops from the early Showa period. Currently, about 20 stores are open. You can enjoy a nostalgic atmosphere with cheap sweets such as senbei (rice crackers), carme-yaki, and candy balls.

川越大師喜多院は、五百羅漢や正月3日のだるま市(初大師)で広く知られています。Kawagoe Daishi Kita-in Temple is widely known for the Gohyaku Rakan and the Daruma Market on the 3rd of the New Year (First Daishi).

江戸城内の家光誕生の間や春日局化粧の間が、喜多院の書院、客殿として移築された。境内には他にも多くの文化財や史跡があります。喜多院のホームページ ⇦home page

Hikawa Shrine is a Shinto shrine worshiped as the total guardian of Kawagoe. The current main hall, which began construction in 1842, has elaborate carvings called Edobori, and is designated as an important cultural property of the prefecture.

縁結び風鈴が有名です。Marriage wind chimes are famous.
氷川神社のホームページ ⇦home page

“Kawagoe Kumano Shrine” is a shrine known for its blessings of good luck and matchmaking.
On the approach to this shrine, there is a “foot stepping health road” where you can take off your shoes and walk to get a foot massage. Another unique thing is the “Luck Ring Toss”. You can fortune your love luck, health luck, work and school luck, etc. by playing a ring toss.
川越熊野神社のホームページ ⇦home page
小江戸川越の名物は(Kawagoe is famous for)


“Ogakiku” has been preserving the traditional taste using a secret sauce since its establishment in 1807.
「いも恋」ー”Imo Koi”
川越でおすすめの名物は、「菓匠 右門」の「いも恋」!つぶ餡と川越名物・さつまいもを、山芋ともち粉の生地でやさしく包んだおまんじゅうです。ホームページ
The recommended specialty in Kawagoe is “Imo Koi” from “Kashō Umon”! Sweet bean paste and Kawagoe’s specialty sweet potato are gently wrapped in a dough made from yam and glutinous rice flour.

「亀の最中」ー”In the midst of turtles”

The recommended specialty is “Kame no Monaka” from “Kameya”. It is a tortoise shell-shaped one-bite-sized monaka filled with sweet bean paste made from carefully cooked adzuki beans.
川越でおすすめの名物は、とっても長い「ふ菓子」です。その長さはなんと、95cm! 人気スポット・菓子屋横町の一角にある「松陸製菓」です。

Kawagoe’s recommended specialty is the very long “Fugashi”. Its length is 95 cm! Matsuriku Seika is located in a corner of the popular Kashiya Yokocho.
「いもせんべい」ー”Imo Senbei”
おすすめの名物は、「いもせんべい」。川越で有名なさつまいもの美味しさを凝縮したお菓子です。、「 東洋堂」のいもせんべい。さつまいも本来の味を生かしたおせんべいです。ホームページ

The recommended specialty is “Imo Senbei”. It is a sweet that condenses the deliciousness of Kawagoe’s famous sweet potato. , Potato rice crackers from Toyodo. It is a rice cracker that makes use of the original taste of sweet potato.
「KOEDOビール」ー”KOEDO Beer”

Kawagoe’s specialty is “KOEDO Beer”. A total of 6 types of craft beer named after Japanese colors. Among them, the most recommended one is the one-of-a-kind “red red” made from sweet potatoes. As the name suggests, it is reddish in color.
川越プリン~Kawagoe pudding

It is a new specialty. “As the name of Koedo Kawagoe suggests, Kawagoe is lined with old buildings called Kurazukuri townscape. Kawagoe pudding is also included in the group. I hope that even people who are not familiar with the store will be able to feel nostalgic for the past.The pudding you purchase will come with a warehouse roof.”
