Hinamatsuri is an annual event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls.
ひな祭りとは (What is Hinamatsuri?)
3月3日はひな祭りです。「桃の節句」ともいいます。ひな人形に桜や桃の花、雛あられや菱餅などを飾ったり、ちらし寿司やハマグリの料理を楽しむ節句祭りのひとつです。「ひな人形」を飾るなど日本各地でその地域の風習でお祝いします。 March 3rd is Hinamatsuri. It is also called “Momo no Sekku”. Hina dolls are decorated with cherry blossoms, peach blossoms, Hina arare rice crackers, hishimochi rice cakes, etc. It is one of the seasonal festivals where you can enjoy chirashizushi and clam dishes. Celebrate with local customs in various parts of Japan, such as decorating Hina dolls.
ひな人形や桃の花を飾るのは(Decorating Hina dolls and peach blossoms)
- 日本の公家で幼い女の子が「雛遊び」からきたと言われています、公家から武家と伝わりひな遊びがお雛人形を飾る習慣が生まれたのでしょうね。It is said that a young girl in a Japanese court noble came from “Hina-asobi”.
- 桃の花は旧暦の3月3日は今の3月上旬から4月中旬のごろで桃の花が咲く季節です、桃の木は中国では厄除けや不老長寿の木とされることから飾るようになったのしょう。March 3rd of the lunar calendar is the season from early March to mid-April, which is the season when peach blossoms bloom.In China, peach trees are said to ward off evil and perpetual youth and longevity. I guess it became
参考動画~ひな人形:健康で幸せな子どもたちのために祈る – 京都のコアミニ
Hina Dolls: In Prayer for Healthy, Happy Children – Core Kyoto mini