

戦国武将(Sengoku warlord)-전국 무장

15世紀末から16世紀末にかけて戦乱が頻発した時代区分である。室町幕府の権威が低下した、守護大名に代わって全国各地に戦国大名が台頭した。領土拡大のため他の大名と戦闘を行うようになった。こうした大名の有名武将を戦国武将と呼ぶ。It is a period division in which wars occurred frequently from the end of the 15th century to the end of the 16th century. Sengoku daimyo emerged all over the country in place of the guardian daimyo, whose authority of the Muromachi Shogunate declined. He began to fight with other daimyo to expand his territory. Such a famous warlord of a daimyo is called a Sengoku warrior.