
日本のお花見とは:What is Hanami in Japan?

日本には、春になると全国各地で桜が咲き誇り、多くの人が花見を楽しむ文化があります。春の訪れを祝う伝統行事です。このブログ記事では、日本のお花見の歴史や文化、楽しみ方などを外国人にわかりやすく説明します。In Japan, there is a culture in which cherry blossoms bloom throughout the country in spring and many people enjoy cherry blossom viewing. It is a traditional event to celebrate the arrival of spring. In this blog post, we will explain the history, culture, and enjoyment of hanami in Japan in an easy-to-understand way for foreigners.

五月人形ーMay dollー오월 인형


桜 ー Cherry Blossoms – 벚꽃

桜は日本人の心に愛らしくしてくれる花です。Cherry blossoms are flowers that make the Japanese heart love them.

ひな祭りーDoll’s Feestivel – 인형 축제

雛祭り(ひなまつり)は、日本において、女子の健やかな成長を祈る節句の年中行事。Hinamatsuri is an annual event in Japan to pray for the healthy growth of girls.