風鈴(Wind chimes)ー풍경


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夏の季節になると、風鈴(ふうりん)の涼やかな音色に癒やされるという人も多と思います。風鈴は、日本の夏に家の軒下などに吊り下げて用いられる小型の鐘鈴(しょうりん)です。風によって音が鳴るような仕組みになっています。日本の夏の風物詩の一つです。  During the summer season, many people find the soothing sound of wind chimes to be soothing. A wind chime is a small bell that is hung under the eaves of a house in summer in Japan. It is designed in such a way that the sound is produced by the wind. It is one of the summer traditions in Japan.


風鈴とはーWhat is a wind chime?


A wind chime is made of metal or glass and has a bowl-shaped body that fits in the palm of your hand. Inside, a small part called “zetsu” is hung with a string, and a strip of paper is attached to the lower end of the string so that it can receive the wind well.

風鈴の分類は~Classification of wind chimes

素材で分かれます、主に金属製とガラス製の二つに分類できます。代表的なのは。 Divided by material, it can be mainly classified into two types: metal and glass. A representative one.

南部鉄製の風鈴(Nambu iron wind chimes)


A wind chime made by Nanbu Iron with a unique clean and clear tone. It is a wind chime with a long history (about 900 years). It is one of the representative wind chimes of Japan.

ガラス製の風鈴(glass wind chime)


The tone is a crisp sound. Glass wind chimes, also called Edo wind chimes, are one of the most famous wind chimes. Traditional summer patterns such as goldfish and morning glories are drawn on the inside, giving it a cool and cool appearance. The edge of the Edo wind chime is jagged, and when the tube hits it, the sound changes and you can enjoy both the sound and the eyes.

日本の風鈴の歴史は(The history of Japanese wind chimes)


Furin originated in China and was used to tell fortunes by the direction of the wind and the way the sound rang. It is said that it was introduced to Japan along with Buddhism and was used as an amulet. Glass wind chimes began to appear around 1700. It is said that Nagasaki’s glass craftsmen brought it to Osaka, Kyoto, and Edo as a spectacle.

今は各地で夏に「風鈴まつり」があります。夏の風物詩の一つです。 Nowadays, there are wind chime festivals in various places in summer. It is one of the summer traditions.

代表的な風鈴まつり(A typical wind chime festival)

正寿院 風鈴まつり


Wind chimes are one of the summer traditions in Japan.